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#1 2024-07-26 04:29:34


Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

Анон слушает подкасты, читает книги и смотрит разное. Иногда меня зацепляет какая-то фраза и хочется ей поделиться, но не всегда есть с кем. Буду постить сюда))

Отредактировано (2024-11-29 05:38:29)

#2 2024-07-26 04:52:38


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

Некоторые цитаты за последнее время:

огненный Тамерлан счастья… - Евгений Замятин "МЫ"

Obviously I’m not lonely. I’m Michelle Nguyen, owner of the coolest and only record store in town and I’m not lonely.  I’m just, like, a performance artist, and my medium is solitude. - Welcome to Night Vale, ep. 85 "April Monologues"

I am the storyteller. This story may do you no good. But a story is never for the listener. It is always for the one who tells. -  Welcome to Night Vale, ep. 109 "A Story About Huntokar"

Отредактировано (2024-07-26 04:53:35)

#3 2024-07-31 04:18:25


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

Paint a picture. It'll last longer. Welcome to Night Vale. - Welcome to Night Vale, ep. 115 "Council Member Flynn, Part 2"

#4 2024-08-06 03:35:23


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

Решил переслушать The Magnus Archives.

I hate spiders, as I have said, but I would have sworn that this one hated me back. - The Magnus Archives, ep. 16 "Arachnophobia"

#5 2024-08-13 13:07:34


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

Продолжаю переслушивать The Magnus Archives.

Perhaps I’ve always heard it. Perhaps the itch has always been the real me, and it was the happy, smiling Jane who called herself a witch and drank wine in the park when it was sunny. Maybe it was her who was the maddened illusion the hides the sick squirming reality of what I am. Of what we all are, when you strip away the pretence that are there is more to a person than a warm, wet habitat for the billion crawling things that need a home. That love us in their way. - The Magnus Archives, ep. 32 "Hive"

#6 2024-08-15 04:27:47


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

Я планировал выкладывать цитаты, которые интересны сами по себе, без знания контекста, но мне было так смешно, что я решил выложить. Контекст: говорящий (Джон) параноит, что Мартин к нему втирается в доверие с недобрыми намерениями. На самом деле Мартин влюблен :lol:
Это я уже на втором сезоне Архивов Магнуса.

Supplement. I’ve been watching Martin. He’s been very attentive to my needs and recovery since I returned to work, almost to the exclusion of his own tasks. Previously I might have ascribed such ministrations to his own lax work ethic, but in the stress of Prentiss’ attack, I am sure I glanced moments of competence, or even cunning, that are beyond what his previous work would indicate. Is he playing the fool? Purposefully failing in his tasks to delay or hinder my investigations? It’s possible. - The Magnus Archives, ep. 42 "Grifter's Bone"

#7 2024-08-27 04:10:53


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

Вернулся пока к Найтвейлу.

"He died doing what he loved," a spouse of one of the deceased said, "running away from his problems." - Welcome to Night Vale, ep. 126 "A Door Ajar, Part 3"

Отредактировано (2024-09-26 05:07:36)

#8 2024-09-26 05:07:14


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

Комфорта зону покидай, чтоб личностно расти
Я, блять, в ней не был никогда, как в неё войти? - AP$ENT "Super Star"

Существует та грань, перейдя которую уже нельзя оправдать себя фразой «я просто выполнял приказ». - Деннис Тейлор "Все эти миры"

Он редко говорил о магии, а если и говорил, это больше напоминало урок истории, и ни у кого не хватало терпения его слушать. - Сюзанна Кларк "Джонатан Стрендж и мистер Норрелл"

#9 2024-10-03 08:09:15


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

There’s something wrong inside me. Something queer and sideways, which is why I pretend, always, with everyone. I need to kill that thing. I’ll find a way to be what Mina wants me to be. If it’s what she needs for her own happiness, I’ll make it happen. - Kiersten White "Lucy Undying: A Dracula Novel"

#10 2024-10-06 16:57:21


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

The only difference between failure and succeeding is never admitting what your intention was. - @camelscrafts TikTok

Отредактировано (2024-10-06 16:57:47)

#11 2024-10-28 17:59:10


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

Обсуждали животрепещущую тему: из-за чего английский волшебник сошел с ума — из-за того, что англичанин, или из-за того, что волшебник? - Сюзанна Кларк "Джонатан Стрендж и мистер Норрелл"

#12 2024-10-28 18:22:31


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

Is he gay or european?  :lol: версия волшебников

#13 2024-10-28 18:31:58


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

Анон пишет:

AP$ENT "Super Star"

картинка на тему

#14 2024-10-28 20:26:13


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

Анон пишет:

Is he gay or european?  :lol: версия волшебников

о да :lol:

Анон пишет:

картинка на тему

Шикарная картинка, спасибо, что поделился, анон!

#15 2024-10-31 08:00:53


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

There is a great deal of Society here (English) both gay and otherwise, but as my friends with whom I am staying are very quiet people we do not belong to the gay world, which certainly pleases me much - Peter Carney, Regina Koellner, Mary Williamson, Michael Palin, Russell A. Potter "May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth: Letters of the Lost Franklin Arctic Expedition" письмо 12. FRANCIS CROZIER TO JAMES CLARK ROSS, 31 DECEMBER 1844

да, у меня чю подростка

We must, like mice in a haystack, eat away and make a little room for ourselves.
- Peter Carney, Regina Koellner, Mary Williamson, Michael Palin, Russell A. Potter "May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth: Letters of the Lost Franklin Arctic Expedition" письмо 78. JOHN IRVING TO CATHERINE IRVING [SISTER-IN-LAW], 16 MAY 1845

#16 2024-11-01 04:01:11


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

Как же мне нравится эта книга писем участников экспедиции Франклина.

I have no doubt however that every thing will go well with us all at least if it was to depend on the good wishes of the people here. - Peter Carney, Regina Koellner, Mary Williamson, Michael Palin, Russell A. Potter "May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth: Letters of the Lost Franklin Arctic Expedition" письмо 90. HARRY GOODSIR TO JANE ROSS GOODSIR [SISTER], 19 MAY 1845

Now that we are off you have no idea how happy we all feel – how determined we all are to be frozen, and how anxious to be amongst the ice - Peter Carney, Regina Koellner, Mary Williamson, Michael Palin, Russell A. Potter "May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth: Letters of the Lost Franklin Arctic Expedition" письмо 107. JAMES FITZJAMES TO WILLIAM CONINGHAM [BROTHER], 29 MAY 1845

#17 2024-11-01 08:32:22


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

The other day he mentioned a curious fact that I do not remember to have seen – After an American forest has been burnt to the ground – another forest springs up consisting of a different species of tree – not one of the original species appearing - Peter Carney, Regina Koellner, Mary Williamson, Michael Palin, Russell A. Potter "May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth: Letters of the Lost Franklin Arctic Expedition" письмо 108. JAMES FITZJAMES TO WILLIAM CONINGHAM [BROTHER], 29 MAY – 2 JUNE 1845

Скорее всего Франклин (Фитцджеймс цитирует его) имел ввиду пожар 1825 "Great Miramichi Fire". Но я не смог найти подтверждение или опровержение этому факту из цитаты.

Отредактировано (2024-11-01 08:33:11)

#18 2024-11-01 18:56:28


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

Why is Prince Albert’s kiss like this ship? – ’Cause its a hairy bus my last. -Peter Carney, Regina Koellner, Mary Williamson, Michael Palin, Russell A. Potter "May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth: Letters of the Lost Franklin Arctic Expedition" письмо 115. JAMES FITZJAMES TO JOHN BARROW JR, 1 JUNE 1845

Пришлось гуглить смысл шутки, но зато нашел такой пост про чувство юмора Джеймса Фитцджеймса.

The more I see of Gore the more convinced am I that in him I have a treasure & a faithful friend – I am particularly pleased with the manner in which he commenced and continues making the sketches for you – I expect to derive very great assistance from him if we have to winter from his previous knowledge of the Terror situated when encumbered with Ice. -Peter Carney, Regina Koellner, Mary Williamson, Michael Palin, Russell A. Potter "May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth: Letters of the Lost Franklin Arctic Expedition" письмо 116. JOHN FRANKLIN TO JANE FRANKLIN [WIFE], 1–3 JUNE 1845

Гор вообще любимчик фандома (как сериала/книги Террор, так и собственно самой экспедиции), такой, что его "уползли" в книге The Ministry of Time автора Kaliane Bradley.

Его фотография, сделанная перед отплытием

Так как я сверяюсь со списком состава экспедиции, пока читаю письма, заметил, что Джонов прямо много. Посчитал, получилось 23 (24, если считать одного с двойным именем). Всего участников было 134 (на начало экспедиции, в Гринландии 5-х отправили домой, но среди них есть Джон, так что считаем всех).

Отредактировано (2024-11-01 18:57:35)

#19 2024-11-02 16:47:02


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

And Dostoyevsky is a Christian whose middle name is "devil's advocate". - видеоэссе biz "the art of religious interpretation (midnight mass vs god's not dead)"

Следующие цитаты из одного письма. Мне все больше нравится Фитцджеймс.

The most original character of all. rough, intelligent, unpolished, with a broad North Country accent, but not vulgar – good humored, & honest hearted – is Reid – a Greenland whaler – native of Aberdeen – who has commanded whaling vessels. & amuses us with his quaint remarks & descriptions of the ice – catching whales &c. – For instance – he just said to me, on my saying we should soon be off Cape Farewell at this rate, & asking if one might not generally expect a gale off it (Cape Farewell being the south Point of Greenland). “Ah! Now, Mister Gems. we’ll be having the weather fine Sir! Fine! – No ice at arl about it Sir, unless it be the bergs – arl the ice’ll be gone Sir only the bergs which I like to see. Let it come on to blow look out for a big’un. Get under his lee. and hold on to him fast Sir fast if he drifts too near the land – why he grounds afore you do!” I think the idea of all the ice being gone except the icebergs, is rich beyond description.

This is Saturday night – Read & Osmar drinking “Sweet hearts & wives” & wanted me to join – I said I had not the one and did not want the other.

...now! down paper and grin – because I am laughing, for Read has just said (scratching his head) “Why, mister Gems, you never seem to me to sleep at arl – you’re always a writin” I tell him that when I do sleep, I do twice as much as other people in the same time.

-Peter Carney, Regina Koellner, Mary Williamson, Michael Palin, Russell A. Potter "May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth: Letters of the Lost Franklin Arctic Expedition" письмо 134. JAMES FITZJAMES TO ELIZABETH CONINGHAM [SISTER-IN-LAW], 5–25 JUNE 1845

#20 2024-11-02 16:51:35


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

а вот так выглядел Джеймс Фитцджеймс

#21 2024-11-04 17:54:30


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

Osmar has just come from on deck (midnight) and is dancing with an imaginary skipping rope. I said to him “What a happy chap you are Osmar you are always in a good humour.” His answer is, “Well, sir, if I am not happy here, I d’ont know where else I could be.”
-Peter Carney, Regina Koellner, Mary Williamson, Michael Palin, Russell A. Potter "May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth: Letters of the Lost Franklin Arctic Expedition" письмо 135. JAMES FITZJAMES TO ELIZABETH CONINGHAM [SISTER-IN-LAW], 27 JUNE – 6 JULY 1845

#22 2024-11-06 06:53:09


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

There are two important members of the Expedition that I must not forget to mention. Viz Neptune & Jacko. Old Nep has lost much of his unwieldiness since we left & now runs up & down our step ladders with ease. He is the most lovable dog I ever knew & is a general favourite. I often give him an extra kiss on Williams account, & he seems to know that it comes from a friend. The monkey continues to be the annoyance & Pest of the whole ship, & yet not a person in her would hurt him for the whole world. He is a dreadful thief but such a very amusing one that his robberies bring very little sympathy for the unfortunate losers! The Doctor declares that Jacko is in a rapid consumption, & he certainly has a very bad cough, but the only other symptom I see of it, is the rapid consumption of everything eatable he can lay his paws on. -Peter Carney, Regina Koellner, Mary Williamson, Michael Palin, Russell A. Potter "May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth: Letters of the Lost Franklin Arctic Expedition" письмо 140. JAMES FAIRHOLME TO GEORGE FAIRHOLME [FATHER], 1–5 JULY 1845

Незнакомец подошел и встал прямо напротив Чилдермасса. Не­много торжественно, словно родитель, который стирает грязь с лица ребенка, он лизнул палец и начертил в воздухе символы на веках, губах и напротив сердца Чилдермасса. Затем он легонько стукнул Чилдермасса по левой руке — пистолет упал на снег, и незнакомец начертил символ на его ладони. Наконец он отвернулся и приготовился уходить, но, очевидно что-то вспомнив, начертал еще один символ над порезом на щеке Чилдермасса.- Сюзанна Кларк "Джонатан Стрендж и мистер Норрелл"

Есть сильное желание как-то свести Террор (и экспедицию) и Стренджа с Норреллом.

#23 2024-11-07 03:30:14


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

...the only things of interest we have seen are first the vast number of highly curious – small blubbers and other marine animals and animaliculae which in fine weather we dredge up from the bottom of the sea or catch on its surface this sea abounds with these strange creatures of whose habits and structure very little is known. our skilful naturalist Mr Goodsir provided with powerful microscopes is making collections of them accompanied by drawings and descriptions. I must say I prefer them in their native beauty swimming in the clear water – I do not like – snakes and blubbers in bottles – nor do I admire butterflies with pins stuck through them. altho I can appreciate their beauty when freely flying from flower to flower. but I can admire the zeal of those who labour to d[isclose] the wonderful secrets of nature.-Peter Carney, Regina Koellner, Mary Williamson, Michael Palin, Russell A. Potter "May We Be Spared to Meet on Earth: Letters of the Lost Franklin Arctic Expedition" письмо 142. HENRY T.D. LE VESCONTE TO SARAH LE VESCONTE [MOTHER], 2 JULY 1845

#24 2024-11-13 17:57:58


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

Я уже было начал думать, что перепутал и что отношения Софи (племянницы Джона Франклина) и Фрэнсиса Крозье (второй в экспедиции) это не правда. Потому что в письмах ни намека, но нет, нашел подтверждение:

He dined with me and was more cheerful – I have no doubt if there be any cause for lowness of spirits on his part as connected with Sophy, that he will give me by & bye an opportunity of conversing with him on this subject...
...I do not think that he has had his former flow of spirits since we sailed, nor that he has been quite well. He seemed more cheerful & better to day, and has always been very kind & attentive & I endeavor to encourage in him a close intimacy with me, which I think will soon come on. He has never mentioned Sophy – nor made the slightest allusion to her and I sometimes question myself whether or not it would be agreeable or proper for me to speak of her to him. This was the first day in which I have remarked his having spoken of Tom Cracroft and that only observing that he was to have gone with him in the Gig to Launceston had he not been taken ill when Ross and I went there. - письмо 159. JOHN FRANKLIN TO JANE FRANKLIN [WIFE], 1–12 JULY 1845 [HIS LAST LETTER TO HER]

The most perfect unanimity of feeling & harmony exists between the officers & crews of the two ships – Crozier & I continue our friendship, he is an excellent hearted man and the very best second I could have had – He has not once mentioned Sophy’s name to me and I have not considered it proper to introduce any mention of her in my conversation. I shall not however avoid doing so if he gives me the opportunity – We often dine together, but for the present both of us have too much to do with our present objects to talk on subjects not connected with them. - письмо 165. JOHN FRANKLIN TO ISABELLA CRACROFT [SISTER], 11 JULY 1845

All goes on smoothly but James dear I am sadly alone, not a soul have I in either ship that I can go and talk to. “No congenial Spirit as it were” I am generally busy but it is after all a very hermitlike life – Except to kick up a row with the helmsman or abuse Jobson at times I would scarcely ever hear the sound of my own voice. - письмо 172. FRANCIS CROZIER TO JAMES CLARK ROSS, 12 JULY 1845

И, конечно же, не могу не привести цитату, которая стала названием самой книги:

My Dear children if it is the Lords will may we be spared to meet on earth if not God grant we may all meet around his throne to praise him to all eternity is the Prayers of your Affectionate Mother - 175. SARAH HARTNELL TO JOHN AND THOMAS HARTNELL [SONS], ON OR AFTER 23 DECEMBER 1847

А еще я думал, что читать письма самих участников будет тяжелее, но нет, оказалось письма их родственников. Вот этот момент, когда надежда еще есть, но в тоже время появляется это понимание, что шансов их выживания нет.

#25 2024-11-14 16:33:45


Re: Цитатник анона [экспедиция Франклина][книги][подкасты][YC]

It would have been a less trial to me to come after you, as I was at one time tempted to do, but I thought it my duty & my interest to remain, for might I not have missed you, & would it have been right to leave Eleanor – yet if I had thought you to be ill, nothing should have stopped me. - письмо 181. JANE FRANKLIN TO JOHN FRANKLIN, 8–9 MAY 1848

Чем больше я читаю о леди Джейн Франклин тем больше она мне нравится. Интересная дама, практически единолично заставила адмиралтейство начать поиски экспедиции.
Чувствую, я все-таки сяду за перечитывание Террора. я буду делать вид, что там нет этих стремных описаний женщин

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