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#1 2021-12-26 21:16:46


English thread

Let's chat in English, dear anonymous! You can write about everything here, regardless of your level.

Your English level is…

  1. A1(голосов 7 [3.61%])


  2. A2(голосов 10 [5.15%])


  3. B1(голосов 26 [13.4%])


  4. B2(голосов 56 [28.87%])


  5. C1(голосов 65 [33.51%])


  6. C2(голосов 30 [15.46%])


Всего голосов: 194

Гости не могут голосовать

#676 2022-07-17 11:22:33


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Do you all find it easier to talk about... well idk....really important or personal things when you speak English/any other foreign languages? Or it's just me..

Honestly I don't know because I don't speak English a lot (I think my text demonstrates it :D). Maybe I will can understand it in this thread, who knows

#677 2022-07-17 11:36:31


Re: English thread

Really, emotional stuff is way easier in English.

#678 2022-07-17 14:50:34


Re: English thread

I think russian language is much more expressive but it's not exactly about emotions. I guess there is some cultural background. Russians prefer descriptions instead of using essential information.

#679 2022-07-17 14:56:34


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

I think russian language is much more expressive but it's not exactly about emotions. I guess there is some cultural background. Russians prefer descriptions instead of using essential information.

"Movements, grimaces, landscapes, the languishing of trees, odors, rains, the melting and iridescent nuances of nature, everything tenderly human (however strange that may seem!), but also everything loutish, coarse, juicily obscene, comes out in Russian no worse, if not better, than in English; but things characteristic of English, such as subtle reticences, the poetry of thought, a momentary interchange between the most abstract concepts, a swarm of monosyllabic epithets, all of that, but also everything relating to technology, fashion, sports, the natural sciences and unnatural passions — becomes in Russian clumsy, multisyllabic, and often repulsive in style and rhythm. This discrepancy reflects the fundamental historical difference between the green Russian literary language and the English language, ripe as a fig bursting at the seams…" (Nabokov, translated by languagehat.com, who mixed up «многословный» "prolix" и «многосложный» "multisyllabic" though)

#680 2022-07-18 11:37:31


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Maybe I will can understand

It's 'will be able to understand', anon.

#681 2022-07-18 11:38:25


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

It's 'will be able to understand', anon.

Ok, thank you :D

#682 2022-09-13 00:22:29


Re: English thread

How do I read FFA/Fail Fandom Anon blog? :think: Do I need an acc on Dreamwidth or?.. Heard it's like holywarsoo/pravdorub but in english.

#683 2022-09-13 00:31:14


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

How do I read FFA/Fail Fandom Anon blog? :think: Do I need an acc on Dreamwidth or?.. Heard it's like holywarsoo/pravdorub but in english.

No, you don't need an acc. Here is how it works https://holywarsoo.net/viewtopic.php?pi … 1#p9513631 (though dememe was broken last time I was there, not sure if it's fixed yet)

#684 2022-09-13 00:48:06


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

No, you don't need an acc. Here is how it works https://holywarsoo.net/viewtopic.php?pi … 1#p9513631 (though dememe was broken last time I was there, not sure if it's fixed yet)

Dememe is still broken tho, returns error 500 every time. :bubu:

#685 2022-09-13 01:18:37


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:
Анон пишет:

No, you don't need an acc. Here is how it works https://holywarsoo.net/viewtopic.php?pi … 1#p9513631 (though dememe was broken last time I was there, not sure if it's fixed yet)

Dememe is still broken tho, returns error 500 every time. :bubu:

I know that some alternatives exist but I didn't research the details. IIRC, one of them is a built-in dreamwidth search engine but for it you indeed need to have an acc. It's only available to registered users, just like here on holiwarka. Another is something like ffarocks (?) I think, but I don't know much about it.
Dememe broke because of some dreamwidth update and dememe nonnie was trying to fix it but they warned that it can be a slow process.

Отредактировано (2022-09-13 01:19:42)

#686 2022-09-13 01:50:46


Re: English thread

I tried the rock search thing, it works! But omg I'm not used to the visuals of it; still, was nice to have a couple of new reads abt my fandom though!

#687 2022-09-13 19:52:54


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

rock search thing

Tf is this and what's it for? Tell me everything, anon

#688 2022-09-13 20:34:53


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:
Анон пишет:

rock search thing

Tf is this and what's it for? Tell me everything, anon

They're talking about ffa.rocks that was mentioned in a comment above. It's a ffa search engine.

#689 2022-10-31 13:22:34


Re: English thread

I'm ashamed to talk about it in Russian so I'll complain here. I've just visited a toilet in my office and there was no toilet paper  :NOOO: but I've noticed it when it it was too late..

Отредактировано (2022-10-31 13:22:54)

#690 2022-10-31 13:59:45


Re: English thread

Oh, poor nonny. This is the worst, indeed, when it happens.

#691 2022-10-31 14:20:03


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

but I've noticed it when it it was too late..

sooo.... what did you do next? :evil:

#692 2022-10-31 15:40:37


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

sooo.... what did you do next?

used my sanitary pad (?)  :sadcat:
Really unpleasant experience, wouldn't recommend.

#693 2022-10-31 15:43:41


Re: English thread

:comfort: well at least, sink splashes wasn't your only option

#694 2022-10-31 20:00:41


Re: English thread

I always have wet wipes in my bag exactly for such cases, there are too many toilets without paper  :bubu: Of course, I've strted carry these AFTER I was in the same situation for too many times.

#695 2022-12-16 22:51:22


Re: English thread

Hi guys! What does "keeper" mean in the context of relashionship?

#696 2022-12-16 22:55:23


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Hi guys! What does "keeper" mean in the context of relashionship?

Like, this guy/girl is a keeper? It means you've found a really great person you can have good long relationship with.

#697 2022-12-16 22:58:34


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Like, this guy/girl is a keeper? It means you've found a really great person you can have good long relationship with.

Thanks for responding so quickly :heart:

#698 2022-12-16 23:11:59


Re: English thread

yeah it means they're "worth keeping" basically (without the insulting overtones though lmao). "dating/marriage material" is a very close concept to this imo.

#699 2022-12-16 23:33:50


Re: English thread

I always thought it was related to "finders keepers" idiom which means something like "if someone found something, then it's now theirs" (something akin to кто первый встал, того и тапки). So like "too bad for everyone else, I found this person and I'm keeping them!"

#700 2022-12-17 00:10:05


Re: English thread

Interesting... Again, thanks a lot  :)

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