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#1 2021-12-26 21:16:46


English thread

Let's chat in English, dear anonymous! You can write about everything here, regardless of your level.

Your English level is…

  1. A1(голосов 7 [3.7%])


  2. A2(голосов 10 [5.29%])


  3. B1(голосов 26 [13.76%])


  4. B2(голосов 56 [29.63%])


  5. C1(голосов 62 [32.8%])


  6. C2(голосов 28 [14.81%])


Всего голосов: 189

Гости не могут голосовать

#426 2021-12-28 15:23:47


Re: English thread

I honestly prefer herbal tea. My favourite is black currant leaf tea

#427 2021-12-28 15:32:42


Re: English thread

What are you doing today, nonnies?
I'm thinking about going outside to buy some late ny gifts and visiting Sberbank and maybe buying a sushi set to treat myself. But it's so depressing and cold outside... And my toad is choking me about that sushi set, I'm a bit tight on money. But it's tasty and discounted already as it is and it probably won't be on offer next month. But money :bubu:

#428 2021-12-28 15:34:33


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

I'm drinking tea with a blueberry tart flavor.

I'm drinking GABA oolong tea, its taste is a bit sour and has a strong note of fresh baked rye bread. They say this tea is good for the nervous system, it relieves stress, helps with anxiety, insomnia and so on.

#429 2021-12-28 15:38:30


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

What are you doing today, nonnies?

I'm sitting in work, going to buy a gift for my mom later for NY. A hand cream, she likes them.

#430 2021-12-28 15:43:34


Re: English thread

How would you say "душнила" in English? Please help  :sadcat:

#431 2021-12-28 15:45:22


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

How would you say "душнила" in English?

A toxic person  :troll:

#432 2021-12-28 15:46:52


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

What are you doing today, nonnies?

Working, unfortunately. Actually, I had other plans, but then I've sprained my ankle real bad, so moving is not fun right now, especially with all the ice outside. Then again, at least I have a very valid reason not to venture out in the cold. So I am sitting home and working, but then it means I'll have the days till the NY free!

Отредактировано (2021-12-28 15:47:07)

#433 2021-12-28 15:47:56


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:


It's intranslatable

#434 2021-12-28 15:49:04


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

How would you say "душнила" in English? Please help  :sadcat:

Eh, that's a tough one. Tedious peson? A bore? Not quite though, it's more like нудила/нудный.
There was something like... wet pants? wet blanket? something wet but I forgot, with a similar meaning.

Отредактировано (2021-12-28 15:54:46)

#435 2021-12-28 15:55:23


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

How would you say "душнила" in English?

It's even hard to define, let alone translate.

#436 2021-12-28 15:56:41


Re: English thread

Karen. "Душнила" in English is Karen

#437 2021-12-28 15:57:45


Re: English thread

I thought Karen is a scandalous middle aged woman stereotype

#438 2021-12-28 15:59:59


Re: English thread

The act of душнить would be sea-lioning, probably. so, душнила should be sea-lion.

Скрытый текст

#439 2021-12-28 16:01:02


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Karen. "Душнила" in English is Karen

Nope. Karen is much closer to яжемать/тетяСрака, an entitled middle-aged woman who tries to make the world cater to her. Only Karen is typically bent on wanting to speak with the manager and complain about how everyone did some wrong to her and there are laws and rules and she won't stand it. While яжемать is bent on making the world cater to her because of her motherhood and тетяСрака is bent on making the world do the things she considers right and proper.
Душнила is someone insufferable and tedious that makes you want to open a fortochka window when you're communicating to let some fresh air in.

Отредактировано (2021-12-28 16:05:54)

#440 2021-12-28 16:01:04


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

How would you say "душнила" in English?

https://www.multitran.com/c/M.exe?a=4&M … &l1=1&l2=2
Personally, I think of these "overbearing" is the best fit, but it's not a slang word, so more linguistically neutral than Russain "душнила". Anyways, it really is untransltable literally, so the translation would depend on what are you trying to do: if you want to explain the Russian term to a non-native or describe what kind of behaviour you are talking about, use these variants; if you want to express your emotional reaction to such a person, try to find something with a different meaning, but with similat emotional filling.

#441 2021-12-28 16:09:08


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

especially with all the ice outside

Ohhh, let's swap our weather woes. It's been -31C at my place yesterday, and today the temperature went up by 15 degrees. :hat:

#442 2021-12-28 16:09:22


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

душнила should be sea-lion.

Скрытый текст

#443 2021-12-28 16:11:06


Re: English thread

Momd, they're quoting poetry on me! :panic:

#444 2021-12-28 16:12:27


Re: English thread

I've received my salary today, yay!

#445 2021-12-28 16:12:29


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

The act of душнить would be sea-lioning, probably. so, душнила should be sea-lion.

Скрытый текст

The comic is pretty close but afaik a sea-lion is attached to exhibiting this behavior in social media specifically with a purpose of annoying your opponents :think: And душнила is more universal and about lifestyle.

#446 2021-12-28 17:36:36


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

The act of душнить would be sea-lioning, probably. so, душнила should be sea-lion.

Скрытый текст

Wow thank you! It's the closest, I think

#447 2021-12-28 19:18:18


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

I really feel bad for teens when I hear something like that :( Not every teen is stupid enough to be anti

Well, there are many teens among my friends but when i hear about all that problems, antis, "propaganda among minors', etc., i think that there are need two types of internet and fandoms: family-safe and a normal one for people without issues with "problematic pairings", sex, etc. It's a pity that it's not impossible.

Анон пишет:

And if they are banned from all the decent places, where would they learn to do better?

Oh, anon, I just want to be safe and do things that i like without any risk. But even ficbook and social networks don't keep my content private from minors. I would like them to consider age and cover the content.

#448 2021-12-28 19:29:43


Re: English thread

Looks a bit like subred, with holywar flare. Delish!

Анон пишет:

And душнила is more universal and about lifestyle.

Never seen "sea-lion" in wild reddit and discord life. I would say the best option is "toxic" - covers pretty much the same scope as душнила traits and social predatory patterns.
I've come across the term "nerdsplayning" same as "mensplaining" only gender-neutral with a "know-it-all" tint.

Отредактировано (2021-12-28 19:30:14)

#449 2021-12-28 21:17:56


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:


Doesn't seem so. Nerdsplaining is more like зануда, someone who explains things in much more detail than you want to know about, but it's not condescending like mansplaining, doesn't, and it's not someone who sucks all the air out of the room/discussion by trying to be the only one with the right opinion.

#450 2021-12-28 23:17:41


Re: English thread

Nonnies, who have gained their vocab through reading fanfics, how did you turn it into active?

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