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#1 2021-12-26 21:16:46


English thread

Let's chat in English, dear anonymous! You can write about everything here, regardless of your level.

Your English level is…

  1. A1(голосов 7 [3.7%])


  2. A2(голосов 10 [5.29%])


  3. B1(голосов 26 [13.76%])


  4. B2(голосов 56 [29.63%])


  5. C1(голосов 62 [32.8%])


  6. C2(голосов 28 [14.81%])


Всего голосов: 189

Гости не могут голосовать

#401 2021-12-28 09:00:08


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

I want money :(

You know what to do, get yourself an Instagram account and claim you have a dissociative identity disorder.

#402 2021-12-28 09:40:21


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

You know what to do, get yourself an Instagram account and claim you have a dissociative identity disorder

I would die from cringe

#403 2021-12-28 11:36:00


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Arguing that hannigram is problematic because of the age gap

Waaaait, which age gap? My canon knowledge may be a bit rusty, but aren't they, like, 11 years apart? My parents' age difference was 9 years, and no one had thought twice about it. Anyways, it's not like one of them is 16 (unless you count fanfics), they both are consented adults, so what the actual fuck?

#404 2021-12-28 11:40:18


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

they both are consented adults, so what the actual fuck?

When you wanna bully someone for shipping your notp, even couple years age gap will do  ;D

#405 2021-12-28 12:15:59


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

even couple years age gap will do

Um-hum, as if there are no other objections in this particular case :) These relationships are not healthy seven ways to heaven, and I am speaking as a shipper, so why pick a nonsensical cause which would be offensive to many real-life couples?

(For all the grammar nazis watching: yep, I know it should be "consenting adults". My En autocorrection is even more weird than Ru one.)

#406 2021-12-28 12:28:27


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

why pick a nonsensical cause which would be offensive to many real-life couples?

Because pedophilia, minors, age gap and grooming are all trigger words, and people are more likely to react negatively to it without giving a second thought to the actual substance of the complaint. Antis don't want to engage in a conversation or discussion, their goal is to make the other party look bad.

Отредактировано (2021-12-28 12:29:22)

#407 2021-12-28 12:28:36


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Um-hum, as if there are no other objections in this particular case

Dunno about that particular case, sry)
But I think thats about what they think is most unhealthy, and that can be real weird

#408 2021-12-28 12:44:25


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Dunno about that particular case, sry

Is the previous message also yours? One with "pedophilia, minors, age gap"? Because we're still talking about Hannibal here, where the "youngest" part of the ship is like 38 yo. ;D So this owl will be ripped apart over that globe, I am afraid.

#409 2021-12-28 12:50:50


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Is the previous message also yours?


Анон пишет:

So this owl will be ripped apart over that globe, I am afraid.

Oh wow :lol: Poor owl  :lol:

#410 2021-12-28 12:57:48


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:


Ah, ok, but I guess that someone also isn't in the know of this particular case.

Анон пишет:

what they think is most unhealthy

It was already mentioned on the previous page, but still: COME ONE, ONE OF THEM KILLS PEOPLE FOR SPORT AND EATS THEM, and in his leisure time nurtures baby maniacs from traumatised ppl! He left the other part of the ship to suffer a brain-crippling disease, put him in jail, almost ate his brain once and sent a killer to his wife and son. The age gap the most unhealthy here, srsly?

I guess we have mentioned this particular case specifically because the age difference between 38 yo and 49 yo people is totally not a problem at all :)

Отредактировано (2021-12-28 13:00:49)

#411 2021-12-28 13:43:41


Re: English thread

Thanks for answers!

Анон пишет:

wait, Hetalia is still alive???

We got a new season in this april.
But it doesn't change anything and we are more dead than living :)

Анон пишет:

But if you don't depend on fandom stuff financially (like doing commissions as an artist) and are more or less mentally stable, what can they really do to you?

I'm an artist (not so famous but i strive for this) and i'm not as mentally stable as i want to be. :(

#412 2021-12-28 14:01:34


Re: English thread

I think the issue of that age gap is that 11 is a huge chunk of life for 14 y.o. girls. They cannot imagine what cannibalism is (because they have not encountered it), they cannot imagine what 30+ y.o. men feel, but they know that there is a huge abyss between 14 and 3 years and they transfer this experience to the characters.
I often notice that we tend to see peers in characters. I often have to remind myself that in series about teens characters are teenagers and it is worth taking their actions accordingly. And when i was a teenager, i perceived adult characters almost as my peers, i had no other experience.
So, the problem of all fandoms are minor fans so i suggest to ban them  ;D

#413 2021-12-28 14:06:05


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Ah, ok, but I guess that someone also isn't in the know of this particular case.

I am aware that both Hannibal and Will are adults, I'm just saying that antis tend to push up the age gap thing because the concept has associations with all the other stuff, and many people are unwilling to engage in arguing about it within fandom space because they don't want to look as if they are defending the whole field.

#414 2021-12-28 14:08:46


Re: English thread

I'm so sad that marshrutka thread has been closed

#415 2021-12-28 14:22:53


Re: English thread

Again? What dumb shit did they do this time?

#416 2021-12-28 14:35:38


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

I guess we have mentioned this particular case specifically because the age difference between 38 yo and 49 yo people is totally not a problem at all :)

I mean, it's not a problem for us here. But for those who want/look to be offended, it can be a problem. The thought that problematic through and through canons shouldn't have antis is a logical one but antis don't exactly operate on logic. If the fandom is popular and attracts their attention they'll still try. I would say it correlates more with the fandoms' average age - the younger the anti-er. Old unpopular canons with fans skewing older are typically not interested in this bs. But if there are lots of teens - better piss on it and burn abandon it, really.

You know Death Note, yeah? Its main ship of a preppy serial killer and unethical candy-eating freak detective? I kinda revisited it recently. From time to time someone pops up to enlighten everyone that it's awful and problematic because of the age gap ;D (We don't even know from canon how old L is but the word of god in extra materials for manga says he's 24 so they're ~6,5 years apart) Yeah, they're serious. L is a wOrKiNg aDuLt, apparently, and Light is a student, oh no.

#417 2021-12-28 14:36:44


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Again? What dumb shit did they do this time?

Appearance discussion

#418 2021-12-28 14:45:16


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

So, the problem of all fandoms are minor fans so i suggest to ban them  ;D

I'm with you! Don't let kids to internet, internet gets dumber from them.
(Gosh, translating idioms is awkward)

Отредактировано (2021-12-28 14:45:30)

#419 2021-12-28 14:48:03


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

From time to time someone pops up to enlighten everyone that it's awful and problematic because of the age gap

I am really ancient and started with Tolkien before the Black Book was even written :) so it kinda toughened me up - several thousand years gap is not a problem (I know that now it sometimes is, but it was baaaack then), because honestly, who even counts past first couple of hundreds?  =D But anyways "consenting adults" should be ok in any case, otherwise we undermine the whole concept of "consent" again and the whole logic becomes anti-consent. Disempowering people just to prove your point is a load of bull.

#420 2021-12-28 14:56:17


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

I'm an artist (not so famous but i strive for this) and i'm not as mentally stable as i want to be. :(

The answer is to ban, nonnie. Ban, ban, and ban again. Everyone who looked at you funny goes to banya. If you're doing fandom on twitter or in similar places, it's the only way to survive. And never mind them.

#421 2021-12-28 15:07:28


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

So, the problem of all fandoms are minor fans so i suggest to ban them 

Анон пишет:

But if there are lots of teens - better piss on it and burn abandon it, really.

I really feel bad for teens when I hear something like that :( Not every teen is stupid enough to be anti

#422 2021-12-28 15:11:28


Re: English thread

And if they are banned from all the decent places, where would they learn to do better? We cannot isolate all unpleasant people with their peers, we'll get only more of the same.

Fanfiction helped me to learn a lot about myself when I was younger, and I guess in the process I had came through as obnoxious sometimes, but it's inevitable part of learning, I guess. So... if you can't abide something/someone - ban them by all means, but it should be a personal decision, not the universal approach.

#423 2021-12-28 15:18:19


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:
Анон пишет:

So, the problem of all fandoms are minor fans so i suggest to ban them 

Анон пишет:

But if there are lots of teens - better piss on it and burn abandon it, really.

I really feel bad for teens when I hear something like that :( Not every teen is stupid enough to be anti

I don't. If a teen is worth their (please no wank lol) salt, they'll blend in and no one will ever suspect they're a teen. As we did when we were minors. If they're flaunting "bUt I'm a MinOr!" attitude around, it's better to keep far away from them. Part of what produced this problem is "please think about children!1" stuff which Very Online minors weaponized. No, I'm not going to think about some stranger children. I'm not your momma and I don't want to be.

#424 2021-12-28 15:19:54


Re: English thread

I am drinking choco milkshake. Mmmm yummy

#425 2021-12-28 15:22:32


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

I am drinking choco milkshake. Mmmm yummy

I'm drinking tea with a blueberry tart flavor. Tess one or something. Courtesy of FixPrice lmao. It's surprisingly okay, can recommend.

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