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#1 2021-12-26 21:16:46


English thread

Let's chat in English, dear anonymous! You can write about everything here, regardless of your level.

Your English level is…

  1. A1(голосов 7 [3.7%])


  2. A2(голосов 10 [5.29%])


  3. B1(голосов 26 [13.76%])


  4. B2(голосов 56 [29.63%])


  5. C1(голосов 62 [32.8%])


  6. C2(голосов 28 [14.81%])


Всего голосов: 189

Гости не могут голосовать

#376 2021-12-27 20:31:41


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

What is your favourite thread here on holywarka?

Stupid questions thread

#377 2021-12-27 20:34:30


Re: English thread

that's what good old fun fiction do to you

I speak Russian, once was fluent in surjik, somehow I'm almost fluent in Hebrew (God, i got my degree in Hebrew! Still unbelievable), I know about 10 words in German, never had any real practice with speaking more than a sentence abd usually it sucked anyway  :facepalm:
But hey! At least I can do tests ;D

#378 2021-12-27 21:33:18


Re: English thread

#379 2021-12-27 21:47:52


Re: English thread

I wonder why so many of us got it
I also got Ebonix (why o_o), Singaporean and smth else I don't remember (standard American mb?).

#380 2021-12-27 22:46:00


Re: English thread

The quiz was fun, thanks for sharing. I also got Singaporean as my top dialect, with my top three native language guesses being:
1. Vietnamese
2. English
3. Romanian
Not even close =D

#381 2021-12-28 01:43:49


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

I've only seen a tiny bit of Russian-language media. I've read Crime and Punishment, Heart of a Dog, and War and Peace but in English translations. In the US there's just not much of a fandom for anything in the Russosphere. Do y'all get fannish for Russian-language media too, or is it mostly imported stuff like Harry Potter or anime?

I'm late to the party, but the majority of fandoms are international like HP, MCU, and anime. But there are fandoms for Russian-language media too. The biggest probably is Otbleski Aeterny/OE/Reflections of Aeterna, it's a fantasy book series by Vera Kamsha. Something like "Game of Thrones meets Three Musketeers" =D It's a very old and pretty big fandom, started in ~2004 and still alive and wanking kicking, even though the series itself jumped the shark at some point and the author kinda pulled Ann Rice on it.
There are fandoms for Bubble comics (it's a journal for Russian comics artists) like Major Grom, they had a movie recently and were insufferable when it came out lol. There is or at least was fandom of "Дом, в котором"/"The Gray House" by Mariam Petrosyan.
Unexpectedly enough, Ivan Grozny fandom was everywhere at some point :lol: Not because he's so popular per se, I believe, it all started with classic operas, old movies something something Fyodor Basmanov (who was rumored to be his male favorite), so there were tons of slash. It's like, dunno, if James I and Buckingham were suddenly popular? Somehow some BNFs got into it and it became in vogue. There is even a small fandom for Dostoyevski's books. And, ofc, TV series like "Не родись красивой" or "Молодежка", RPF of Russian media people etc. Tons of small ones.
And welcome, nonnie :rainbow:

#382 2021-12-28 01:49:49


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

RPF of Russian media people etc

At some point I was seeing people writing about Russian rappers everywhere...

#383 2021-12-28 01:55:19


Re: English thread

Russian football fandom  :smoke: Came out of nowhere circa 2018, got everyone hooked and then disappeared just as quickly.

#384 2021-12-28 01:56:10


Re: English thread

how bout ice skating? :trollface:

#385 2021-12-28 01:56:21


Re: English thread

What terms does English fandom use for "раскладка" and "раскладочники"?

#386 2021-12-28 01:57:29


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:
Анон пишет:

RPF of Russian media people etc

At some point I was seeing people writing about Russian rappers everywhere...

Oh yes, infamous RuRap RPS. One of my favorite authors left my fandom for it and I'm still salty :bubu:

#387 2021-12-28 02:05:25


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

What terms does English fandom use for "раскладка" and "раскладочники"?

They don't have a single word for it, use "top/bottom configuration" (or preference) instead. And for раскладочники, dunno, probably something like "bottom!X stan" or "top!Y stan" will do but it's more specific. Yeah, there are top/bottom ship wars in English-speaking fandom too, before you ask.
And одноногая собачка is called woobie. My fandom slang knowledge is extensive ;D

[By the way, for our English-speaking visitors if we have them, the Russian term for top/bottom configuration is literally "layout" like with a keyboard. So people say "I prefer X/Y layout for this ship". And people who have some preference are called layouters and sometimes they have layout wars]

Отредактировано (2021-12-28 02:09:35)

#388 2021-12-28 04:16:25


Re: English thread

I ship quite problematic pairings (i'm in Hetalia. I think there's no 100% fluff, history is a bitch). Should I afraid of sjw? For example, on reddit?

#389 2021-12-28 04:42:07


Re: English thread

I don't know about new tendencies (wait, Hetalia is still alive???) but I have a feeling that Hetalia is so broken that sjws just wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole.
In general, the more "progressive" is canon - the more crazy sjws dwell in the fandom.
But if you, say, in Berserk fandom? No sjw will ever appear because they would drop it on the very first manga page.

#390 2021-12-28 04:45:08


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

I ship quite problematic pairings (i'm in Hetalia. I think there's no 100% fluff, history is a bitch). Should I afraid of sjw? For example, on reddit?

They're called antis now, sjw is kinda outdated/blurred term already. Antis are mostly on twitter but reddit has dumbasses of its own. Maybe lurk in a subreddit you want to use before posting, read their rules and all. It's usually visible if something is anti-infested or not.
But if you don't depend on fandom stuff financially (like doing commissions as an artist) and are more or less mentally stable, what can they really do to you? Why should you be afraid of them? So, someone will tell you that your ships suck and you're awful and should be blablabla - just call them names then block them on the spot and move on. Antis are most dangerous if you're someone famous and dependent on your fans or very young and impressive and in a bad place mentally. Otherwise, they're just shitty and unpleasant.

#391 2021-12-28 04:47:14


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

But if you, say, in Berserk fandom? No sjw will ever appear because they would drop it on the very first manga page.

Ahahaha, as if. There were antis in Hannibal fandom. Arguing that hannigram is problematic because of the age gap :hat:

Отредактировано (2021-12-28 04:48:25)

#392 2021-12-28 04:52:12


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Arguing that hannigram is problematic because of the age gap

And it didn't bother them that Hannibal, well, ate people?

#393 2021-12-28 04:54:11


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:
Анон пишет:

Arguing that hannigram is problematic because of the age gap

And it didn't bother them that Hannibal, well, ate people?

Well, that's bad too, of course, but whomever he eats, he still shouldn't fuck people that much younger! P - Priorities

Отредактировано (2021-12-28 04:54:43)

#394 2021-12-28 06:14:54


Re: English thread

I personally ignore Reddit since the time it banned feminists. Even 4chan is more tolerant.

#395 2021-12-28 06:20:01


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

I personally ignore Reddit since the time it banned feminists. Even 4chan is more tolerant.

You mean gender critical feminists?

#396 2021-12-28 06:54:10


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

Is there an anon here who understands John Bishop completely

I aspire to do so  =D

#397 2021-12-28 07:26:28


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

You mean gender critical feminists?

Not gender critical. Transphobic

#398 2021-12-28 08:37:47


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

how bout ice skating? :trollface:

Figure skating is so wanky a fandom, it lives on the drama and has got no need for any additional fannish materials, such as fanfiction!

Why, do you remember the wank we had here in the FS thread a couple of years ago which resulted in about 20 nonnies getting banned and the thread moving in into the restricted section? Nostalgic!

#399 2021-12-28 08:40:36


Re: English thread

Анон пишет:

how bout ice skating? :trollface:

This fandom can be a shitshow but I can't help but love it.

Анон пишет:

such as fanfiction!

I politely but firmly disagree with you! We need more fanfiction, especially about russian men  :evil:

#400 2021-12-28 08:47:02


Re: English thread

I want money :(

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